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Authorized as a COSD

A public notice 2008-0336 from Korean Agency for Technology and Standards

  On November 11th 2008, TTA was authorized as a COSD(Co-operating Organization for Standards Development), stipulated in Article 5 of The law of Industrial Standardization and in Aticle 18, Paragraph 5 of an enforcement ordinance of The law of Industrial Standardization to development Korean Industrial Standards(KS)

  □ Authorized Number : 2008-002

  □ Authorized Company name : Telecommunication Technology Association

  □ Authorized Part
    - JTC1/SC6 : Telecommunications and information exchange between systems
    - JTC1/SC27 : IT Security techniques

  □ Authorized Period
    - from November 11th 2008 to November 10th 2011
