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Renewal of Co-operation Agreement between ITU-T, KCC and TTA for Bridging the Standardization Gap

ITU has been working hard to bridge the standardization gap between the advanced and developing nations, an issue which has recently of major importance throughout the world. Korea Communications Commission (KCC) and TTA, as a member of ITU, are also jointly promoting projects to enrich standardization capabilities of developing nations with ITU.
Since 2008, through a trilateral co-operation agreement among KCC, TTA and ITU, TTA developed the Standardization Capability Index (SCI) for quantitative gauging of the standardization gap existing between the advanced and developing nations. With the completion of the SCI development, KCC and TTA renewed the previous cooperation agreement with ITU to include the publication of the SCI as an official reference.They also agreed to provide consultancy program customized to developing nations by using the SCIas a guide. TTA anticipates that this program will contribute to the enrichment of the ICT development and standardization capabilities of developing nations, and therefore bridging the global standardization gap.

