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The 75th Coordination Committee Held

On September 14, the 75th Coordination Committee was held at the Jeju Grand Hotel to discuss key agendas including establishment of new project group(PG), renames of 3 PGs and ToRs (terms of references) and adoption / abolition of standardization work items. As a result of the meeting, a Digital Contents PG was newly established and 3 PG names have been changed. In addition, ToRs of e-navigation PG and e-publishing PG were changed. Furthermore, a total of 307 standardization work items(SWIs) for standard establishment/revision have been selected, such as Gigabit-capable Passive Optical Networks (GPON): Enhancement and Charging Interface Embedding Charging Protection Circuit for Mobile Device. 14 SWIs that are no longer in need for standardization were abolished.

