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MIC, AITA and FIS of Vietnam Visited TTA

For two days from September 2nd to the 3rd, ten officials from Vietnam's MIC (Ministry of Information and Communication), AITA (Authority of Information Technology Application) and FIS (FPT Information System) visited TTA to look over the advanced ICT trends and facilities of Korea. The Vietnamese delegation also introduced their national ICT policies. The main feature of their visit was a tour of TTA’s Software Testing and Certification Laboratory where they learned how it was established and operated. TTA engineers introduced the testing and certification services they provide and gave the delegation an opportunity to experience TTA's advanced testing equipment and technologies. They also consulted on ways to start up a TCoE (Testing Center of Excellence). TCoE is a nationally certified software testing center for which establishment ispromoted by AITA, an affiliated organization of Vietnam's MIC. TTA Software Testing and Certification Laboratory and Vietnam's MIC agreed to cooperate continuously and seek ways to promote mutual development. Through this visit GS certification & testing services were also promoted and it is expected that the visit will serve as a bridge of cooperation connecting TTA with other Asian countries.
