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Obtained new KOLAS accreditation for mobile communication

TTA started providing internationally accredited testing and certification service from September 2013 after obtaining KOLAS accreditation for two new mobile communications testing fields: RSE (radiated spurious emission) and field trial. RSE testing is done to measure spurious emissions that radiate into a frequency or frequencies which are outside the necessary bandwidth. In the past, RSE testing was offered only by outsourcing. To solve this inconvenience, TTA established its own RSE testing facilities and obtained KOLAS accreditation. As a result, TTA can now provide internationally accredited testing for mobile handsets for domestic supply and export.
Field trial testing is done to check the functions and conformance of mobile handsets for export through field testing between the handsets and overseas service providers' real networks. TTA, as the first in Korea, obtained KOLAS accreditation for this testing service. Mobile handset manufacturers in Korea can now be provided with one-stop testing service from TTA that covers everything from conformance testing, RSE to field trial.
