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The 54th Technical Assembly

- Adoption of 378 TTA Standards, Reorganization of Coordination Committee, and election of next term's Chairman

The 54th Technical Assembly(TA) was held on 2007 December 26 to deal with important matters such as the adaptation of voluntary standards and reorganization of coordination committee.

A total of 378 TTA standards were adopted including 'Framework for i-PIN Service' standard where the use of citizen number is replaced by i-PIN service which safely transfers personal information on the Internet. Also, 21 outdated standards were abolished as they were replaced by up-to-date standards. In addition, 2 TTA standards related to RFID were selected to be recommended as the Korea Information Communication Standard(KICS).

Moreover, to cope with rapid development of technologies and to strengthen its professional role, Technical Committees(TC) were reorganized from 4 committees to 7 committees and revised the Information & Telecommunication Standardization Operation Regulations accordingly. A 3-year standardization plan and project plan for 2008 were also approved at the meeting.

Meanwhile, as the term for current Chairman(KT Vice President Jong Rok Yoon) expires in December 2007, KT Vice President Doo Hwan Choi was unanimously elected as the next term's Chairman of the Technical Assembly(TA).

The meeting also awarded outstanding standardization committee members for the year of 2007 and winners from the 3rd IT standardization thesis competition.
