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TTA signs contract to conduct International WiMAX Testing Equipment Validation

TTA was appointed as the Mobiel WiMAX Wave 1 testing facility by International WiMAX Forum. Under supervision of WiMAX Forum, TTA is conducting validation testing at Malaga Spain, in which the contract to conduct validation testing was signed on 23 October 2007. This validation process that TTA is participating, will test equipments developed by Germany, England, Spain, and United States for 5 test criteria from 2 classes of conformance requirement needed for international certification testing equipments. The fact that TTA's technicians are participating in the validation process signifies that TTA is recognized as world renown  testing and certification institution that possess the skill and knowledge to validate delicate testing equipments.

This signing not only reaffirmed TTA as the world recognized testing and certification center, but also opened up a new horizon for domestic IT testing and certification to bring in foreign capitals.
