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Hosting of DMB Certification Seminar

On 7 September 2007, TTA hosted the DMB Certification Seminar to announce the beginning of the DMB certification testing. Over 90 people from 50 different receiver and equipment manufacturers participated and showed high interest on the DMB testing and certification service.

At the seminar, TTA explained the purpose, test criteria, method and future plan of DMB testing & certification service while Radio Promotion Association(RAPA) gave a presentation on DMB Alliance and it's plan to revitalize the IT related venture businesses by starting its support program. Seminar also provided an opportunity to verify the distinct difference among the receivers by showing the RF performance comparison test demonstration.

With the beginning of testing & certification service for DMB devices, quality testing can be preformed to distinguish non-standardized, non-compatible and low performing devices so that high quality and reasonably priced device can be made to benefit the mid-to-small manufacturers.

Along with the RF performance testing for DMB receivers, TTA also began its DMB certification service to increase benefits to manufacturers and plans are in place to include certification services for Broadcasting Web Service(BWS), A/V-linked Data Service(BIFS) and Traffic and Travel Information Service.
