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Study Visit to Korea for ICT Standardization Consultancy Program
Since 2008, TTA has been promoting a program of diverse contents with ITU to enhance standardization capability of developing countries following the agreement of Cooperation Agreement (CA) with ITU. Last July, TTA renewed the CA to reflect project plans for 2013. As part of the program, TTA held an event to invite personnel from Pacific Islands Telecommunications Association (PITA), National Information & Communications Technology Authority (NICTA) of Papua New Guinea, and National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) of Thailand to Korea for research purposes for 5 days from October 14. This study visit includes programs such as a standard cooperation meeting with TTA, tours of TTA ICT Testing & Certification Laboratory, Samsung Electronics and Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA), and a participation in the International Training Program co-hosted by ITU and KCC. The attendants acknowledged that they could broaden their scope of understanding about standards and conformity assessment as well as diverse ICT convergence service policies and technical issues through the visit. TTA will organize the program next year after selecting one of developing countries as a beneficiary country through discussion with ITU.