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31 Technologies to Be Standardized for TTA Standardization Strategy Roadmap Ver. 2012 Selected

31 Technologies to Be Standardized  for TTA Standardization Strategy Roadmap Ver. 2012 Selected

TTA selects an ICT technologies to be standardized based on a broad and deep analysis of both domestic & international technology standardization trends & practices as well as a private standardization demand survey and then prepares a strategy roadmap for both domestic & international standardization. By adjusting its vision and goals to reflect a smart “big bang” strategy, the Strategy Roadmap Ver.2012 reorganizes ICT standardization targets into four core services, (1) Immersive Media, (2) Convergence Contents, (3) Intelligent Service Software, and (4) ICT Convergence, and two common infrastructure services, (1) Wired/Wireless Communications Infrastructure and (2) Information Protection & Security. The roadmap also includes 31 standardization candidate technologies for realization of all of them. The 31 standardization target technologies were selected through prior research & analysis including analysis of core topics of major institutions, analysis of domestic/international ICT policy directions, reports from domestic/international major research centers/institutions, analysis of promising technologies selected by major press/media, and research for demand for target ICT items to be standardized, consultation with government departments and a review by the Advisory Committee. They include emerging technologies such as Smart TV and Smart Contents. Development of the roadmap is expected to be completed by this October through a Technology Standardization Plan Task Force comprised of 300 technology standardization experts from industry, academia and research centers.
