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Officials from the Bhutanese Ministry of Information and Communication and Thimphu TechPark visited TTA.
On March 28, four officials from the Bhutan Ministry of Information and Communication and Thimphu Techpark visited TTA to acquire advanced technologies related to Korea’s ICT standards and testing & certification service. Thimphu TechPark is the first ICT complex to be established in Bhutan. It has the mission to provide government support for new small and medium-sized Bhutanese enterprises. During their stay, the visitors had an opportunity to introduce its ICT policy and Thimphu TechPark, and then TTA introduced its standardization activities and testing & certification services. The tour of the Testing & Certification Lab was an especially valuable experience that provided the visitors with an opportunity to see the advanced testing equipment and technology of TTA, the leading testing & certification authority in Korea. TTA Software Testing & Certification Laboratory and Bhutanese officials agreed to search for ways to promote mutual development and continuously cooperate with each other. This visit is expected to lay the foundation for publicizing the GS certification system and testing service overseas, exporting the certification system and cooperating with other Asian nations.