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OTAP (Over The Air Performance) service launched for MVNO terminals

As the blacklist system went into effect in May 2012, the ‘MVNO Terminal Quality Certification Center’ was opened by TTA in September 2012 to support development of terminals and help guarantee compatibility among operators so as to help the system. Starting in 2013, the ‘TTA Certified’ certification service has been providing  domestic certification services for WCDMA MVNO terminals according to standards established by the ‘MVNO terminal quality certification council.’ The council consists of stakeholders like TTA, mobile carriers, terminal manufacturers and distributors. The MVNO terminal Quality Certification Test consists of tests on the RF performance of hardware, communication protocols, conformance with UICC, network interoperability, over the air performance(OTAP) and radiated spurious emission (RSE) testing. As for  RSE test, TTA did not have the test facilities on its premises, tests had to be outsourced. As TTA has recently completed a comprehensive RSE test facilities, terminal manufacturers and distributors can save costs and it can conveniently and quickly provide one-stop MVNO terminal quality certification and development support consulting service.
