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The 17th Global Standards Collaboration (GSC-17) meeting


TTA hosted the 17th Global Standards Collaboration (GSC) meeting in Jeju from May 13 to May 16. The GSC is a meeting for discussing standardization issues and common standard cooperation plans regarding core ICT standardization areas  among major standardization organizations of the world, such as ITU, ETSI (Europe), ATIA/TIA(USA), ISACC(Canada), TTA(Korea), CCSA(China) and ARIB/TTC(Japan). In this meeting, the current issues and cooperative plans regarding 19 core standardization items, such as IMT, intelligent transportation system (ITS), ICT & climate change, smart grid, machine-to-machine (M2M), cloud computing, wireless power transmission and cyber security, were discussed. Particularly, in this meeting, a task force team to handle wireless power transmission was organized and a resolution was made to secure international interoperability, develop technical reports analyzing gaps between global standardization organizations and ensure cooperation among standardization organizations. International standardization activities in this area are expected to be further invigorated. The next meeting will be hosted by ETSI in July 2014.
