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The 74th Coordination Committee Held

The 74th Coordination Committee Held
- Establishing New Project Groups and Adoption/Abolition of Standardization Work Items

On 3 June 2010, the 74th Coordination Committee was held at TTA to discuss major agenda items such as renaming of PGs (Project Groups), changing of ToR (Terms of Reference), and adoption & abolition of standardization work items. New ‘marine u-navigation’ and ‘e-publishing’ PGs were established, ‘Data Broadcasting’ PG was renamed to ‘Interactive Broadcasting’ PG, and the ToRs of 6 PGs including ‘Mobile Broadcasting’ PG were changed. In addition, standardization work items were selected to handle establishment or revision of 83 TTA standards such as ‘Smart Utility Network Wireless Transmission’ and ‘ZigBee Smart Energy Profile,’ and 13 standardization work items that turned out to be no longer needed were abolished.
