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Construction of Anechoic Chamber for WiMAX RPT
In September of this year TTA Mobile Communication Testing Team completed construction of a fully equipped anechoic chamber for WiMAX radiated performance testing (RPT). The facility consists of an EST-Lindgren anechoic chamber and measuring equipment supplied by Agilent Technologies. The dimensions of the chamber are 7.32m(L) x 3.66m(W) x 3.66m(H) which is ample enough to provide all types of WiMAX RPT testing. The  team had previously completed a site validation for the facility.
At the end of September, the team began full-scale provision of RPT which is classified as compulsory for WiMAX certification. RPT testing consists of TRP (total radiated power) testing to measure the transmitter radiated performance of a WiMAX terminal as well as TIS (total isotropic sensitivity) and ICS (intermediate channel sensitivity) testing to measure receiver radiated performance.
The team also has plans to be accredited this year as an ISO 17025 International Certified Testing Facility on WiMAX RPT scope to continuously advance as a WiMAX Forum Designated Certification Laboratory.