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Hosting the 11th DMB Interoperability Testing Event

  On June 10, 2009 Digital Broadcasting Testing Team hosted the 11th DMB inter-operability testing event in the open lab on the 6th floor of the TTA headquarters building in Bundang. A total of 13 companies, including a receiver manufacturer, chip and module makers, attended this event.

  This testing event, co-hosted with ETRI, provided an opportunity to check the receiver compatibility of the AT-DMB (Advanced T-DMB) system. AT-DMB is a system compatible with T-DMB and capable of providing a wider DMB bandwidth.

  The result of this event is expected to be used as reference data for establishing AT-DMB technical regulation and emergency alert service standardization.

  TTA is planning to contribute to securing receiver compatibility in connection with new broadcasting service standardization through inter-operability testing.
