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The 74th TTA Technical Assembly Held
The 74th TTA Technical Assembly was held on Dec. 21, 2012 with agenda items such as adoption of the 325 TTA standards. In the assembly, the 325 TTA standards including a ‘Standard for Design and Installation of CCTV Systems’ that prescribes basic standards for CCTV installation systems to improve their ability to recognize people and objects, a 'Standard for Interaction with IPTV Contents and Mobile Equipment,' and a 'Specification of Mobile Electronic Receipt' for replacing paper receipts with secure digital receipts sent to mobile phones to prevent information leaks were adopted. In addition, the Assembly resolved to propose two standards such as standard of 'Assistive Services for the Vision and Hearing Impaired’ , 'Standard for Design and Installation of CCTV Systems’ necessary in enhancing the safety of all people and the socially vulnerable as national standards. Awards were presented to TTA’s ICT standardization committees and their members that displayed outstanding performance in 2012 as well as the winners of the 8th ICT Standardization Thesis Contest 2012.