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Special 3GPP RAN5 Meeting Jointly Held in Seoul

For a test specification of CA (Carrier Aggregation) technology, a key technology for LTE-Advanced, TTA and KTL jointly held a special 3GPP RAN5 meeting from September 25 to 28 at Sheraton Seoul D Cube City Hotel. CA is a technology to expand the single transmission carrier bandwidth by binding together carrier bandwidths which discontinuously or continuously spread over LTE frequency bands and thus to increase upstream and
downstream data transfer capacities. As test environment setting of the already started CA test specification for Release 10 turned out to be unexpectedly complicated , and CA test specification for Release 11 must be carried out at the same time with that of Release 10, it has become difficult to complete the CA test specification for Release 10 by December 2012, the scheduled completion time. This is the reason why RAN5 work group in charge of test specifications development for WCDMA/ LTE/ LTE-Advanced decided to hold a special meeting. With approx. 50 attendees of experts from all over the world mobile communication operators, device manufacturers, equipments makers and test labs, a total of 611 documents were reviewed and 176 documents were agreed upon or adopted. With this meeting, the CA test specification for Release 10 can be completed by December this year as scheduled and, at the same time, a basis for CA test specification for Release 11 was prepared. In addition, this meeting was an opportunity to publicize the importance of achieving international specification of not only the mobile communication technologies, but also its test procedures and methodologies to domestic device manufacturers and mobile communication operators.
