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Study Visit to Korea for ICT Standardization Consultancy Program
As a part of ICT Standardization Consultancy Program implemented to enhance standardization capabilities of developing countries, TTA organized an event to invite  governmental experts from Laos, benefitting country, from October 16 to 19. Participated by seven public officials from Laos Ministry of Posts and Telecommunication, this event aimed at strengthening relationship between Lao and Korean industries by arranging for the Lao officials to visit industry entities and R&D research institutes in Korea and thus to have hands-on experiences of Korea's standardization sites. During the visit, meetings on broadcasting and telecommunications cooperation plans with Korea Communications Commission and on cooperation plans for conformance assessment system with National Radio Research Agency were held. The participants visited KT and Samsung Electronics and discussed the plans for technology development and business cooperation for 4G, WiMAX and IPTV fields. Lastly, they visited ETRI and were passed on the standardization promotion know-how and experiences from Korea's representative R&D institute. This year's ICT Standardization Consultancy Program will be wrapped up with the final report delivered to the beneficiary country in December. TTA, in partnership with ITU, is targeting one of Asia-Pacific countries for next yearʼs ICT standardization consultancy program.