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The 32nd International Conference for IMT Standardization Collaboration among China-Japan-Korea
TTA held the 32nd China - Japan - Korea IMT standardization collaboration meeting (CJK IMT WG) on September 5 and 6 in Seoul. Attendants from TTA (Korea) ,CCSA (China), ARIB (Japan) set up plans to collaboratively promote standardization in the mobile communications fields. In addition, the countries agreed on a joint proposal of plans for the future IMT vision report for 2020 and beyond together with a presentation on the mobile communications technology trends to be released at the forthcoming ITU WP5D conference to be held in LA, U.S. in early October. The three countries embarked on developing a technical report of which the key contents concern the status of technological development and standardization in China, Japan and Korea as well as the spectrum and regulatory issues concerning wireless power transmission, which has been drawing attention as of late. As for the operation of a mobile data off-loading special group that had been led by China, the program was terminated due to poor participation and because a 3GPP organization had already been promoting technological standardization for small cell, etc. The 33rd meeting will be held in Japan on January 9 and 10, 2013.