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Technical Consultancy Workshop on the Standard Consultancy Program for Developing Nations

As part of the standard consultancy program for developing nations, which is being implemented with the goal of increasing standardization capabilities of developing nations, TTA held a technical consultancy workshop on key ICT technologies from July 30 to 31 in Vientiane, Laos targeting government officials, telecommunications carriers and research experts of not only Laos, the host country, but also other ASEAN countries. At the workshop, Korean standardization experts and ITU stuty group chair and vice chair level technical experts provided consultancy on the latest technology trends and service-related fields including next-generation communications networks, climate change and 4G. In addition, through introduction of pending issues concerning standardization and ICT in developing nations of the Asia - Pacific region, such as Nepal, Vietnam and Laos, and a discussion on  relevant requirements, the workshop produced realistic and practical outcomes. In October, the Lao Ministry of Post & Telecommunication officials will visit Korea for research purposes and tour Korean industry entities and R&D institutes in order to inspect the standardization progresses being made in Korea.
