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The 13th CJK Meeting and MoU Renewal

TTA was honored to host the 13th China-Japan-Korea (CJK) IT Standards Meeting held for three days from April 15 to 17 at the Paradise Hotel in Busan, South Korea. A total of 102 experts attended the meeting to exchange information and discuss ways to further cooperate on IMT, UNIoT, information security, wireless power transmission, and other key technical standardization issues. Attendees include representatives of the standards development organizations from the three countries (China Communications Standards Association (CCSA), Association of Radio Industries and Business (ARIB) of Japan, Telecommunication Technology Committee (TTC) of Japan, and  Telecommunications Technology Association (TTA) of Korea) together with the industry experts from Korea's Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics, Japan's NTT, SDDI and Toshiba, and China's Huawei and ZTB.
 In particular, participants of the 13th CJK IT Standards Meeting agreed in principle on joint adoption of standards among CJK SDOs and common adoption of international standards (e.g. ITU T/R Recommendations) as a means to strengthen cooperation. Through this agreement, the meeting established and approved the procedure. Furthermore, in order to officialize this principle, the scope of cooperation defined in the CJK MoU which was originally signed in 2002 was expanded and a signing ceremony for renewal was held during the 13th CJK IT Standards. The meeting will continue its discussion to find ways to further strengthen cooperation among the CJK SDOs.
 In addition, as the Technical Report approval procedure was established, the final version of Technical Report 2 (TR2) from the wireless power transmission working group was soon approved by a plenary meeting. This TR2 will be submitted to the ITU-R SG1 WP1A, etc. as a CJK contribution. This contribution has distinct meaning and will have greater support in international activities compared to previous CJK contributions because approval was made at the plenary meeting rather than the working group meeting.
