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Participation in the NAB Show 2014

TTA's Broadcasting Convergence Testing and Certification Department participated in the NAB (National Association of Broadcasters) Show 2014 held in Las Vegas, U.S.A. from April 7 to 10 where TTA specialists publicized its Broadcasting Equipment Testing and Certification Center and TTA-certified broadcasting equipment. At an independent booth set up inside the North Hall of the Las Vegas Convention Center, TTA introduced their testing service areas, testing facilities, international cooperation system, and testing services provided by the Broadcasting Equipment Testing and Certification Center. A video server (Uwin Info Sys), an encoder integrated 8VSB modulator (SJTEK) and a DTV modulator (Darb), which had been certified by TTA, were introduced through a field demonstration to broadcasting service providers, manufacturers (products and testing equipment), video producers, and filmmakers/content creators that visited TTA's booth. This year, TTA cooperated with KBS in manning the booth in order to build a close relationship with KBS in the area of broadcasting equipment. Accordingly, the advertisement goals of both companies were successfully achieved due to their joint efforts to attract visitors.
