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TTA Qualified to Be CC Evaluation Facility

TTA Qualified to Be CC Evaluation Facility

SW Quality Evaluation Team of TTA (President: Kim, Won-sik) was qualified to be a CC evaluation facility on 16 October 2009. The team acquired an international testing laboratory qualification for CC (Common Criteria) by KOLAS (Korea Laboratory Accreditation Scheme) in May 2009. Afterwards, the team applied to ITSCC (IT Security Certification Center) of NIS (National Intelligence Service) for being qualified as a CC evaluation facility, and it has been receiving assessment for the qualifications defined in the provisions of Korea IT Security Evaluation and Certification Scheme.

With the qualification, the team can evaluate IT security products, along with its current services, GS (Good Software) certification test, BMT (Benchmark Test), SW globalization / localization test and consulting service. It means that TTA is finally up to the reputation of being SW quality evaluation facility.

Now that the team was qualified to be a CC evaluation facility, It will develop various support plans for IT security companies and actively satisfy demands for IT products evaluations. Therefore, the team expects that it can contribute to the increased security and competitive edge of IT security products, as well as the advanced quality of software which has been the focus of the team so far.

