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Study Visit to Korea for the Standardization Consultancy Program for Developing Countries
Study Visit to Korea
for Standardization Consultancy Program for Developing Countries
TTA (Telecommunications Technology Association) hosted a ‘Study Visit to Korea’  event from October 12th to 14th for common carriers and governmental experts in ICT fields as a part of its standardization consultancy program for developing countries.
The study visit to Korea aims to provide opportunities to experts from benefitting country to obtain hands-on experiences by visiting industry entities and R&D institutes in Korea while further reinforcing the ties between the Korean and the Vietnamese industry entities. A total of six experts from beneficiary country’s government(MIC) and common carriers participated in this study visit.
This Study Visit included a final reporting session for the result of the consultancy program, a presentation by RRA(Radio Research Agency, Korea) regarding relationship between technical regulation and standard, and accreditation system, meetings with small-to-medium sized enterprises, such as CASUH and Xener Systems, sharing their standardization experiences, and visits to KT and ETRI for hands-on experience on the know-how of undertaking standardization projects by Korea’s largest common carrier and R&D institute.
This year’s program will be finalized with the delivery of the final report on the standardization consultancy program to benefitting country in December, and TTA, in partnership with ITU, is targeting one of Central Asian countries for next year’s standardization consultancy program.