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TTA authorized as Co-operating Organization for Standards Development (COSD)

TTA authorized as Co-operating Organization for Standards Development (COSD)

On November 11th, TTA was authorized as the Co-operating Organization for Standards Development (COSD) in the Telecommunications and information exchange between systems (JTC1/SC6) and IT Security techniques (JTC/SC27) areas by the Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS). The decision came after the completion of site evaluation by the KATS on October 17th.

Organized by MKE KATS, the selected COSDs lead the drafting of user-focused KS standards through participation of private companies and individual users by utilizing associations and academia with standard developing capabilities, thereby increasing the nation's competitiveness and its ability to respond to the demand.

With expanded terms of reference to include information technology area (JTC1) within Korean industrial standards, TTA is expected to contribute greatly toward national standardization activities.
