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Seoul to Host the OMA Standardization General Assembly 2007

- Reinforcement of international standardization of mobile Internet and industrial development expected -

TTA (Secretary general Kim Hong-Koo) announced that it would host the "OMA (Open Mobile Alliance) general assembly," the largest standardization organization in the world that determines international standards of wireless Internet solutions and services, in Seoul from August 19, 2007 to August 25, 2007 (7 days).

This general assembly in Seoul is a resulting efforts of both OMA and TTA, in cooperation with Samsung Electronics, LG Electronics, SK Telecom, and corporations belonging to the Korea Wireless Internet Solution Association (KWISA), to reach an agreement with OMA on mutual standard reference and hosting of the OMA general meeting in Korea.

So far, the OMA general meeting has only been held in countries advanced in mobile communication such as Europe and the United States, but rarely in Asian countries. Over 1,000 standards experts from over 400 companies related to mobile communication are expected to participate in the 2007 OMA general assembly in Seoul, thereby greatly promoting the Korean mobile industry, and also sparking huge economic outcome.

“Over 400 global corporation, such as Nokia and Erickson, are actively involved in OMA and its goal is to establish all service standards related to mobile communication including communication and broadcasting," said Mr. Jang Myeong-Guk (head of TTA's project support division), WIPI standardization project manager of TTA. "This meeting is very significant in that domestic corporations will have a voice in the stage of international standards, and it will be an opportunity to publicize our advanced mobile industry overseas."

OMA established standards for MMS (Multi Messaging Service) and DRM (Digital Right Management) last year and is expanding its influence by establishing standards in 'mobile broadcasting' this year. Domestic companies need to pay a great deal of attention to OMA standards since they can be utilized for the application service of the WiBro (mobile Internet) which Korea is commercializing for the first time in the world.

o MMS (Multi Messaging Service):

Service for sending and receiving multimedia beyond currently available short message service

o DRM (Digital Right Management):

Protection management technology for copyrighted materials
