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WiMedia Alliance ITL Workshop
TTA (network testing team) held WiMedia Alliance ITL (Independent Test Laboratory) Workshop from May 5 to May 7 2010. This workshop was hosted by WiMedia Alliance and sponsored by Samsung Electronics.  The purpose of the event was to verify WiMedia standard test specifications, discuss ITL operations and certification procedures, and unify the test method among laboratories.  At the workshop the products of Samsung Electronics, CSR and Alereon, selected as the standard WiMedia devices, and those of Agilent and Ellysis were used as the official WiMedia testers. A total of 15 people from 5 countries, including Mr. Clint Chaplin, chairman of WiMedia Alliance, attended the workshop. WiMedia Alliance is an organization supervising the high-speed UWB (ultra-wideband) technology standardization and test certification. WiMedia Alliance adopted and has been using WiMedia specification, capable of transmitting 480Mbps wirelessly, as the wireless USB (Universal Serial Bus) transmission technology, and is developing a new specification capable of transmitting 1 Gbps.  In addition, WiMedia Alliance designated five international official laboratories, including TTA, in February 2010 to publicize WiMedia technology and provide the test & certification service for WiMedia products. 