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IPTV Standardization Proposal Presentations (Feb. 11 and Feb. 17) and Mobile IPTV Public Hearing (Feb. 19)

IPTV Standardization Proposal Presentations (Feb. 11 and Feb. 17) and Mobile IPTV Public Hearing (Feb. 19)
On February 11 and 17, IPTV PG (PG 219) hosted public presentations on ‘IPTV Interchangeable CAS (iCAS)’ and ‘IPTV Middleware’ standardization proposals, respectively, for which standardization process is complete and public opinions are being collected. In these presentations, IPTV service providers and terminal manufacturers, CAS providers, and solution providers participated to proceed Q&A session and make standardization proposals regarding implementation and interoperability of standardized technologies and service application. These presentations provided an opportunity to promote IPTV industry's understanding and collect their opinions on TTA standardization proposals, and to share information and suggest opinions on standardization among interested parties other than TTA members.
Also, on February 19, the PG hosted a ‘Public Hearing for Mobile IPTV Standardization’ to collect domestic experts' opinions on mobile IPTV standardization and determine the level of advanced development efforts in progress. Based on the outcome of the hearing, the PG actualized the direction and targets of domestic standardization for 2010 regarding Mobility Support, Multicast, Security, Terminal Middleware, Seamless Streaming, Contents Adaptation, and QoS (Quality of Service) for Mobile IPTV.

