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Standardization Consultancy Program for Developing Countries for 2010

Standardization Consultancy Program for Developing Countries for 2010

Since 2008, TTA has been conducting a consultancy program for developing countries in the Asian-Pacific region with its’ 20 years of accumulated standardization know-how and expertise to assist them in improving their standardization capabilities. It selected one country in the Asian-Pacific region in February for this year’ program. To determine consulting requirements for this year, a kick-off meeting was held in the beneficiary country last March. At the meeting, both parties agreed that TTA would provide  the consulting services regarding standardization legislation, standardization systems, standardization organization operation and ITU response systems, as well as technical consulting services regarding introduction of international standards into domestic standards and commercialization of  technology & service such as IMS, Mobile Communication (WiMAX, LTE) and Digital Broadcasting (IPTV, DMB, and so on.). Additionally, TTA plans to invite related personnel from the beneficiary country in November to provide them with more realistic and hands-on experiences on standardization and industry field in Korea. In addition to collaboration with ITU for bridging the standardization gap between developed and developing countries, TTA expects that this program will contribute to bridging the standardization gap among countries in the future.
