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The 73rd Coordination Committee Meeting

The 73rd Coordination Committee Meeting
    - Adoption & Abolition of Standardization Work Items

On March 17, 2010, the 73rd Coordination Committee Meeting was held at TTA to discuss major agenda items such as renaming of PGs (Project Groups), changing of ToR (Terms of Reference), and Adoption & Abolition of standardization work items.
The main results of the meeting were as follows; 3 PGs was renamed ('DMB PG -> Mobile Broadcasting PG,' 'Digital TV PG -> Terrestrial Broadcasting PG,' and 'Digital Cable PG -> Cable Broadcasting PG') and the ToRs of 8 PGs including Radio Resources PG were changed.
In addition, the committee selected 78 standardization work items for establishment or revision of standards, including 'Guideline for ICT Greenhouse Gas Inventory Build' and 'IPTV Service Provider Selection and Authentication,' and abolished 7 standardization work items that are no longer needed for standardization.
