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Korea, China and Japan accelerate NGN, N-ID, IPTV standardization efforts
The 8th CJK NGN WG meeting and the 2nd CJK N-ID WG meeting, which are subgroup meetings affiliated with the CJK IT Standards Meeting, were held at Jeju Grand Hotel for 3 days from February 5 to February 7. About 30 experts from Korea, China and Japan attended the meetings. IT standardization organizations, such as Korea's TTA (President Kim Won-Sik), China's CCSA, and Japan's TTC, take part in these subgroup meetings to discuss matters concerning cooperation in technical standardization.

The discussion at the 8th CJK NGN WG meeting focused on technical issues related to IPTV, which has been attracting public attention in recent years, NGN Release 2 requirements as a follow-up on NGN Release 1 approved in July 2006 and the CJK NGN test-bed. In particular, the three countries agreed to collaborate on their position in international standardization through close tripartite cooperation regarding the core IPTV technologies, such as multicast, mobility, and home networking technology. This collaboration is expected to play an important role in competing on an equal footing with European ETSI and North American ATIS as the three countries are leading in IPTV and NGN standardization.

In addition, substantial progress was made regarding the discussion of test-bed implementation and the actual testing, and the three countries agreed to use the Call Servers of participating organizations, i.e. Korea's ETRI and China's CATR, to test 4 scenarios from February 26 to March 2 to report the result at the next meeting.

At the 2nd N-ID WG meeting, the three countries firmly established a common N-ID concept, agreed on avoiding duplication of N-ID standardization activities which had been recently underway independently in individual SGs within ITU-T, and prioritized technical areas for cooperation among the tripartite collaborative research areas (multimedia application utilizing N-ID, N-ID service and requirements, functional structure and capabilities, multimedia code and mechanism, and system management including OAM).

In particular, as Korea and Japan are playing the leading role in N-ID standardization in ITU-T, having a CJK N-ID WG is meaningful in that it can create the opportunity for the two countries to pre-collaborate on the direction of international standardization of ITU-T, which will in turn, accelerate and promote activities in leading the RFID related standardization.

The next 9th CJK NGN WG meeting and the 3rd CJK N-ID WG meeting are scheduled to be held in Jeju Island from April 9 to April 11 along with the 7th CJK IT Standards Meeting.
