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“Result of the ITU-T FG IPTV and Technical WS”

"IPTV Global Technical W/S and Exhibition," hosted by ITU-T (International Telecommunication Union Telecommunication Standardization Sector) and KT, was held at Imperial Palace Hotel in Seoul for 2 days from October 12th to 13th.


This IPTV-related technical workshop is an event ITU-T hosted for the first time in the world where information on IPTV policies, regulations, customer and service status of various countries were shared during 8 sessions, and standardization technology was discussed among 453 domestic and overseas participants. In addition, the exhibition was a great opportunity to take a glance at the latest diverse technologies of related companies, such as KT, preparing for IPTV services.


Following the IPTV Global Technical W/S and Exhibition, the 2nd IPTV international standardization meeting (official name: Focus Group (FG) IPTV), hosted by ITU-T and sponsored by the Telecommunication Technology Association (TTA), was held from October 16th to 20th at Hotel Lotte in Busan.


A total of 207 people from 18 different countries were present at this meeting where  participants in Working Groups(WGs) were divided into 6 areas related to IPTV standardization (WG1: Architecture & Requirements, WG2: QoS and Performance, WG3: Service Security and Contents Protection Aspects, WG4: IPTV Network Control, WG5: End Systems and Interoperability Aspect, WG6: Middleware, application and content platform). A total of 153 contributions and opinions in diverse fields were presented and reviewed, but most of them were concentrated on IPTV service scenarios, contents security technologies, and interworking between wired and wireless networks and mobile IPTV, and home networks. Participants' interest were mostly focused on WG1's IPTV requirements and architecture, where it showed most activity in among all fields.


At the next WG1 Electronic meeting of FG IPTV WG1(e-mail, December 18th~21st, 2006), categories that weren't dealt with during in this meeting will be reviewed, and the 3rd ITU-T FG IPTV meeting will be held in Mountain View, California USA from January 22nd to January 26th, 2007.
