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TTA announces standards for DMB TTI and CAS
TTA (Secretary General Kim Hong-Koo) established and announced a total of 12 standards relating to DMB services on October 20.
The key standards adopted as TTA's group telecommunication standards are those relating to TTI (Traffic & Traveler Information) services, CAS (Conditional Access System) services, and EPG (Electronic Program Guide) services.
These TTI services standards have been developed through collaboration between TTA and ATS (Agency for Technology and Standards) with roles of each party allocated to prevent overlapping standardization. The establishment of these standards should provide platform for nationwide development of various TTI application technologies named TPEG (Transport Protocol Expert Group), to reflect domestically developed technologies to international standards as well as domestic standards.
In particular, establishment of CAS standard has a landmark implication that it has paved ways to provide various T-DMB services, including TTI, as paid services. In other words, the standardization should allow additional offering of differentiated services to users, and ensure continuous revenue base for broadcasters and contents providers.
Meanwhile, the standardization of EPG service should help vitalize T-DMB, as EPG services will be provided through the T-DMB.
The details of the standards established and announced may be downloaded at TTA website(, using "DMB" as a key word.