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Co-hosted by the Korea Communications Commission(KCC) and the Ministry of Knowledge Economy, and co-sponsored by  Telecommunications Technology Association (TTA, CEO Kim Won-Sik) and Open Standards and Internet Association (OSIA), the foremost event for presenting domestic standardization forum activity results, ‘ICT Forum Korea 2009’, was held on May 11 to 12 at COEX Grand Conference Center with over 700 experts participation.

To respond to rapidly changing international fora and consortia and to revitalize domestic standardization activities, TTA started a new project of selecting and supporting 'IT Standardization Strategy Fora' since 2000. And this year, TTA have selected and supports 45 IT standardization strategy fora.

The theme for this year's ‘IT Forum Korea 2009’ was ‘Standardization for the Green ICT’ and the conference was sub-divided into 7 tracks and 17 technical sessions which included areas such as Mobile Communication, RFID/USN, Broadcasting, BcN, ICT Convergence, Digital Contents. Over 60 presentations were made by the CTOs, professors, and experts who are members of 45 IT standardization strategy fora.
