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Launching of Embedded Host USB-IF Logo Certification Testing

As the only USB-IF ITL(Independent Test Laboratory) in Korea, TTA launched its USB-IF logo certification testing service starting April this year to test embedded USB host products. General USB connections are made through the use of PC or laptop, but embedded USB host products such as navigation systems for cars, audios, set top boxes, and PMPs can also directly connect to specific target devices such as USB memory. Since embedded USB hosts provide limited functions, it's important to obtain public confidence through the use of USB-IF logo certification, especially for connection verification and mutual interoperability.

TTA has been providing USB-IF certfication service for device, hub, and host certification testing since October 2008 and the addition of embedded USB hosts certification encompasses all areas of USB product certification testing except OTG.

With the adoption of micro USB as the common charger for cell phones by major international phone manufacturers and service providers starting 2012, the certification service demand is expected to increase in the near future.
