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Development of TTA Standards Map 2009 Edition
TTA has developed the Standards Map 2009 Edition to help easily understand and study the connection among complex network technologies arising from rapid technological revolution and convergence. The Map is a comprehensive map that shows individual networks such as internet access network (internet & LAN/MAN), mobile communications network (3GPP & 2G/3GPP2), traditional network (PSTN & ISDN), signalling transport network, and broadcasting network, as well as the relational interworking among networks. Especially, the 2009 edition included new converging services and applications such as RFID, Telematics, Navigation, Internet Telephony, Visible Light Communications, Robot and Human Body Communication to reflect the ICT converging trends, and mapped 1898 TTA network and application standards. The Map can be utilized for selecting appropriate standards, used as fundamental guidelines for distinguishing overemphasized standardization areas or area in need of strategic standardization, as well as tutorial for telecommunication networks related educations. The Map can be downloaded from TTA homepage (