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3GPP PCG/OP Meeting Held

From October 27 and 28, TTA hosted PCG/OP meeting, the top decision-making meeting of 3GPP at TTA . During this meeting, the next leadership group for 3GPP PCG/OP was elected and Dr. Chin Byoung-moon, Head of TTA’s Standardization Division, was re-elected as a Vice Chairman. Dr. Chin acted as the Vice Chairman for the last two years, and was re-elected for the 2011 term in recognition of his efforts for standardization. It can be seen that the endeavor and devotion by TTA and its member companies for international standardization of LTE and LTE-Advanced have been recognized internationally.
In addition, LTE-Advanced technology that was submitted to ITU by TTA-led 3GPP was adopted officially as IMT-Advanced technology at the ITU meeting held in Chongqing, China last October. According to the subsequent standardization schedule, ITU will complete draft recommendations for IMT-Advanced by March, 2011, and is expected to approve the recommendations in early 2012. For that reason, during this meeting, 3GPP members such as ETSI, ATIS, TTA, ARIB, TTC and CCSA, and the leadership group of technical assembly under 3GPP gathered together at the meeting to confirm and approve the framework and plan for detailed standards of 3GPP LTE-Advanced to submit to ITU(International Telecommunication Union).
3GPP leadership group and more than 50 representatives from standardization organizations in various nations such as Korea, U.S.A., Japan and China, including Mr. Walter Weigel, Secretary General, European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), and Mr. Stephen Blust, Chairman, ITU-R WP5D, participated in this meeting. The next meeting will be held in North America in April 2011.

