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WiMAX Forum Certification WG Executive Members Visit TTA

On September 27, Four executive members including the chairman of WiMAX Forum Certification WG visited TTA to discuss the current issues regarding WiMAX Forum Certification. During the meeting, the Certification WG executive members explained the direction of WiMAX Forum, and TTA explained the status of its testing laboratory after acquiring qualification as a WiMAX Forum Designated Certification Laboratory. In addition, TTA provided information on WiMAX certified products around the world. In particular, TTA and the WG executive members recognized a rapid decrease in demand for WiMAX certification and made various proposals to revitalize the WiMAX certification program. The Certification WG executive members promised to forward the meeting results to the WiMAX Forum Office and Board of Directors and to introduce new plan to revitalize the WiMAX Forum certification program..
The WiMAX Forum Certification WG executive members also expressed their appreciation for TTA's contributions to WiMAX Forum  and asked for continuous cooperation.
