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Results of APT General Assembly and Management Committee Session

The 12th session of APT (Asia - Pacific Telecommunity) General Assembly and the 35th session of APT Management Committee were held at Grand Hotel Jeju(Jeju, south Korea) from November 16 to 24. Founded in 1979 on the joint initiatives of the UNESCAP (United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific) and the ITU(International Telecommunication Union), APT aims at achieving balanced ICT development in Asia-Pacific region and strengthening the regionʼs international position. The general assembly of APT, which composed of 38 members, 4 associate members and 121 affiliate members, is the supreme organ of APT. The assembly established APTʼs strategic plans for the next term 2012-2014 and decided the second term of Mr. Yamada, incumbent Secretary General. The Management Committee meeting is held annually. According to the authority delegated by the Assembly, the Management Committee considered and approved next year's Work Programme(ICT regulations/ policy forum/ workshop, regional development forum, regional preparation committee for major ITU conferences, hosting of regional standardization meeting, human resources development, cooperation with international standardization organs, etc.) and budget to the scale of approx. $2.7 million for the year 2012.
