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Standardization Consultancy Program for Developing Nations
Since 2008, TTA has been implementing a consultancy program in the Asia Pacific region with its’ 20 years of accumulated standardization know-how and expertise in order to improve standardization capabilities of developing nations. Following the standardization technical consultancy targeting all of Pacific Islands nations in July, TTA provided consultancy on standardization system to the National Information and Communications Technology Authority of Papua New Guinea from August 15 to 18. The consultancy was provided centering on case studies on major nations and analysis of legislative system, policy, R&D system ,and ITU response system in ICT standardization in Papua New Guinea. For each item, recommendations implementable were proposed. The Papua New Guinea government will actively reflect the suggestions in their policy making. The consultancy meeting received a high level of interest that the national broadcasting company of Papua New Guinea and a number of newspaper companies interviewed TTA on background and contents of the consultancy program.