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The 79th Coordination Committee (CC) Held- CPS Project Group established

On September 20, 2011, the 79th Coordination Committee (CC) of the ICT Standardization Committee was held at TTA with agenda including establishment of Project Groups. In this meeting, establishment of a CPS (Cyber Physical Systems) Project Group and an ‘IT appliance’s wireless power transmission and applications’ Project Group was deliberated. CC decided to establish the CPS Project Group under Infra S/W Technical Committee (TC6), whereas establishment of the ‘IT appliance’s wireless power transmission and a pplications’ Project Group was deferred. In addition, for deliberation of and cooperation for standardization among the three standardization committees currently promoting wireless power transmission and charging standardization, it was decided to organize and operate a Project Coordination Group under CC. CC also changed terms of reference (ToR) of the three project groups by reflecting the latest technology trends. In addition, to promote establishment and revision of standards, CC adopted 237 standardization work items (SWIs) and abolished 25 SWIs that are no longer valid.

