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2011 Standardization Consultancy Program for Developing Countries
Since 2008, TTA has provided a consultancy program for developing countries in the Asian-Pacific region with its 20 years of accumulated standardization know-how and expertise to assist them in improving their own standardization capabilities. For 2011, TTA is working to provide a program tailored for the needs of PITA, Pacific Islands Telecommunications Association.
To determine consulting requirements for this year’s selected beneficiary, a kick-off meeting was held last April in conjunction with the 15th PITA Annual General Assembly during which it was agreed that TTA would provide consulting for standardization legislation, standardization systems, standardization organization operation, ITU response systems and MRA. And in conjunction with ITU, TTA will also provide technical consulting for adoption of international standards for major digital technologies & services based on the beneficiary’s requirements.  Additionally, TTA plans to invite related personnel from the beneficiary country in September to provide them with hands-on experience on standardization in Korea. TTA expects that this programm, along with other cooperation with ITU, will contribute to bridging the standardization gap with developing countries.