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Standardization of Wireless Charging for Mobile Phones, Notebook PCs Started

Standardization of Wireless Charging for Mobile Phones, Notebook PCs Started
- Standardization of mobile charging and application started -

For standardization of wireless charging for mobile devices, The ‘Mobile charging & application’ PG (PG709) kicked off under Mobile Communications Technical Committee (TC7) on March 30. Members of this standardization committee include 20 experts from 8 companies including Korea Electronics Technology Institute and LG Electronics, Inc. with Dr. Lee Hyeon-woo, KEIT being elected as a chairman. In the traditional charging method, separate charger have to be carried to be used for charging of various personal portable devices. However, the new way of charging will allow wireless energy transfer via magnetic resonance induction utilizing principles of magnetic field and electromagnetic radiation, eliminating the user’ s inconvenience of carrying separate charger and cable. According to reports of market research firms In-Stat and iSuppli, the market size of wireless charging for mobile devices is expected to grow to KRW 20 trillion in 2013 and KRW 50 trillion in 2018 around the world. Considering the progress in standardization and technology development for wireless charging, technology commercialization is expected to begin as early as in 2012.

※ Magnetic resonance Induction: technology that generates resonance of magnetic field between transmission & reception antenna to transfer energy.

