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The 55th Technical Assembly (Electronic Ballot)

The 55th Technical Assembly (Electronic Ballot)
   - Adopted 16 TTA standards, New name and ToR for Technical Committees

The 55th TTA Technical Assembly (Electronic ballot) was held from March 31 to April 10, 2008 with main agenda item to adopt new TTA standards.

This meeting adopted 16 new TTA standards, and in particular, one of 6 DMB related standards, which tests whether DMB BIFS technology is properly applied, called "Conformance Test for Terrestrial Digital Multimedia Broadcasting(DMB) Video-Associated BIFS Data Service" is expected to boost product confidence in the market and support compatibility to contribute to the reinvigoration of the DMB market.

In addition, the decision made to reorganize TTA Technical Committees last December, renamed TC7, 'IMT(4G) TC' to 'Mobile Communication TC' and clarified ToRs for TC7 and other TCs which clarified their activity areas.
