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TTA designated as an 'ICT Convergence Quality Certification Agency' by MSIP
The Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning (MSIP) designated TTA as an 'ICT Convergence Quality Certification Agency' in time for ICT Special Act Effectuation that commenced on February 14, 2014. The designation was made as part of the government's efforts to help boost new convergence industriesto realize its ““creative economy”” initiative, which is one of the key projects of the Park government. Quality standards of proposed ICT convergencetechnologies and services will now be verified through a proper quality certification system (a legal voluntary certification system), thus promoting growth and advancement of related industries. TTA is contributing to domestic ICT industry advancement by establishing and distributing private ICT standards together with a host of domestic and international testing and certification services. Through its designation as a quality certification agency, TTA will have an expanded scope of voluntary certification services in addition to existing private and mandatory testing and certification services, and thus will move towards realizing technological improvement for small-sized and venture businesses and supplying one-stop testing, certification and development support services to all ICT fields.