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79th Technical Assembly Held

On December 18, 2013, the 79th Technical Assembly was held at TTA with  agenda items such as adoption of the TTA standards. In this assembly, ‘A Guideline to Technical and Operational Countermeasures for Telebiometric Applications Using Mobile Devices,’ ‘A Guideline to Technical and Managerial Countermeasures for Biometric Data Security’ and ‘Integrated Framework for Telebiometric Data Protection in e-Health and Worldwide Telemedicines’ standards using biometric information, such as fingerprints, facial features, irises and veins, in mobile payment or remote medical services were adopted. In total,  324 TTA standards including ‘Multichannel CWDM Applications with Multi Sub-channel Optical Interface’ to standardize next-generation CWDM as an optical transmission technology for LTE, LTE-A and next-generation wireless networks, ‘Video Quality Measurements of Intelligent CCTV’ to ensure quality of video filmed with CCTVs and ‘Specification of LTE Terminal for UICC Portability between Mobile Operators’ to provide video calls and SMS/ MMS services by securing UICC portability between mobile common carriers in relation to VoLTE terminals were adopted. Moreover, 26 standards that are no longer valid due to revision or adoption of alternative standards including ‘Wireless Certification Management Protocol’ were abolished. The Assembly decided to recommend four standards for national safety and the socially vulnerable including standard for ‘3DTV Broadcasting Safety Guideline’ to be adopted as national standards (KCSs). An award ceremony for committees and committee members with excellent performances in ICT standardization in 2013 was also held in the assembly.
