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Bluetooth Automotive IOP Test
Bluetooth SIG held the first Bluetooth Automotive IOP test event in Asia – Pacific region from April 3 to 5 at the TTA International Conference Room. Organized by Bluetooth SIG and sponsored by TTA, the test event aims at securing mutual compatibility and interoperability of the automobile-related Bluetooth devices that are being raised as the biggest issue across the globe. Of the global Bluetooth SIG members, 35 engineers and 14 member companies from 9 countries participated to test important applications used in automobiles, such as hands free and phone book (PBAP) profiles. Bluetooth SIG Korean Branch Manager Choi Hyun-moo said, “This event played a key role in improving user convenience and mutual compatibility of Bluetooth devices installed in automobiles in Korea, a great power in automobile and IT fields, and especially it was very much helpful to companies developing for smart vehicles. Bluetooth SIG will organize an event like this on a regular basis in Korea to encourage more members to participate in the test so as not only to improve the performance of products, but also to expand the market scale through Bluetooth technology improvement.”