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Qualification obtained as an OTAP test house from Vodafone
TTA has become the first independent test house in Korea to obtain qualification as a test house in the field of OTAP (over the air performance) from Vodafone. Vodafone granted the qualification after verifying OTAP test quality and technological capabilities of TTA through a field examination that lasted two days from April 2 to 3. As a global mobile carrier with the head office located in London, U.K., Vodafone is the world’s second largest service provider based on sales and subscribers count. Vodafone has made it mandatory for all its mobile phones supplied to the company to pass OTAP test at the designated test house. As TTA has obtained qualification as a test house designated by Vodafone in the field of OTAP, domestic manufacturers will be able to complete test through TTA and will therefore benefit from reduced cost and time required for the test as well as elimination of the risks of technology and design leaks.