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The 81st Coordination Committee Held- Adopted ICT standardization work items (SWIs) -
The 81th TTA Coordination Committee (CC) was held at TTA on March 28, 2012 with agenda including adoption of SWIs. In this meeting, SWIs to promote establishment and revision of a total of 103 new standards in the fields of N-screen, mobile communications RCS service, IPTV, RFID/ USN, information security, Web and 3DTV, all of which have been surfacing recently as issues according to the explosion in smart devices, was adopted and a SWI considered no longer valid due to a failure of standardization completion over a long period was abolished. In addition, the Terms of Reference (ToR) of the related project groups was changed and expanded in order to promote standardization of security technologies in SNS environment and application of biometrics technologies in mobile devices.
Moreover, the status of TTA Standardization Committee activities and of standardization project promotion was reviewed and the attendants shared the results of the 11st China/Japan/Korea (CJK) Standards Meeting held in Japan in March this year.